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The Role of Professional Development in Creating an Inclusive Approach in Schools

In our diverse modern society, it is becoming increasingly important that professional educators know how to create welcoming, inclusive classroom environments. As a result, teachers nationwide grow more mindful of ways to embrace students from all backgrounds. These efforts are not just the right thing to do; they also have practical benefits: Inclusive classrooms can be transformative for both teachers and students and have the potential to foster positive outcomes in student achievement.

For education professionals who want to learn how to design curriculums and learning programs tailored to students with diverse needs, Avila University’s online Master of Arts in Education (MAEd) in Curriculum and Instruction (C&I) with a concentration in Inclusive Learning Environments program is an ideal choice. This online education program provides educators with the tools to transform the learning experience within their classrooms, creating welcoming spaces where all students flourish.

Inclusive Practices for Students

An inclusive learning environment is vital, allowing every student to fully develop their skills, no matter their background or ability. Inclusive education fosters a sense of belonging and prepares students for an interconnected world.

Several key factors help education professionals create an inclusive classroom environment. For example, specialized training is essential for teachers who work with English language learners because these students often face unique challenges. Another crucial step is understanding and implementing differentiated instruction, a teaching method that customizes instruction to meet students’ varied learning needs.

However, these are far from the only important things to consider when creating an inclusive environment. Educators should consider various other factors, including the following:

  • building cultural competency
  • developing strategies for supporting students with disabilities
  • promoting social-emotional learning
  • engaging in ongoing professional development

Implementing Professional Development for Lasting Impact

Professional development (PD) is, according to the National Education Association (NEA), a process of “investing in yourself as an educator” and is “the best way to ensure both career growth and academic growth for your students.” This kind of professional improvement has particularly important implications for long-term student success within diverse and inclusive classrooms. According to a study published in the Educational Psychology Review, “The expectation is that students’ behavior, achievement, and attitudes will improve if teachers acquire new skills in professional development and successfully apply them in the classroom.”

In other words, PD helps teachers improve, which, by extension, helps their students improve. PD is particularly important for inclusive education, as the Educational Psychology Review observes: “Teachers can and should be supported via professional development to improve their implementation of inclusive education.”

Leadership and Accountability in PD Initiatives

Inclusive practices in a classroom start at the top, and a teacher’s leadership is vitally important to determine whether a learning space will be welcoming to all types of learners. According to an article published in Frontiers in Psychology, “Teachers’ knowledge and skills play an important role in implementing inclusive classroom practice.” PD can also foster core teacher competencies, which are vital for ensuring that classrooms practice inclusive education.

For example, Avila University offers courses such as Developing a School-Wide Inclusive Learning Environment, which provides attendees with an overview of the principles, policies and philosophies that support inclusive educational practices. Education professionals enrolled in Avila University’s online MAEd C&I – Inclusive Learning Environments program will take this class and graduate with a deeper understanding of how to develop a school-wide inclusive learning environment committed to creating high-quality learning experiences for all children.

Inclusive education means that every student has the right to quality learning that will help them develop their skills and realize their potential, according to UNICEF. Now more than ever, educators need to understand what makes education truly inclusive and work to implement them in their classrooms. By doing so, they will open new doors for students of all backgrounds and abilities.

Learn more about Avila University’s online MAEd in C&I with a concentration in Inclusive Learning Environments program.

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