Bachelor of Arts in Management Online

Put yourself on the path to management in virtually any industry with this flexible and versatile program designed for emerging leaders.

Apply by: 5/4/25 Apply Now
Start class: 5/5/25 Apply Now

Program Overview


Why our online bachelor’s degree in business management stands out

The 100% online Bachelor of Arts in Management program prepares you for exciting opportunities as a business administrator, an entrepreneur, or a leader in nonprofit or commercial organizations. Coursework combines general and international business acumen with a focus on psychology, diversity, human resources, and organizational behavior.

Gain valuable experience with the online bachelor’s degree in management specialized capstone course, which provides guidance from faculty while you create a business plan that incorporates a company's mission statement with its various sectors: HR, marketing, finance, and sales. Faculty also offers personalized attention and is committed to your development as a whole person, helping you become an effective, compassionate leader.

Career opportunities:

  • Retail Manager
  • General Manager
  • Sales Associate
  • Customer Service
  • Retail Manager
  • General Manager
  • Sales Associate
  • Customer Service
$290 Per Credit Hour
Up to 90 hours Transfer Credits
120 Credit Hours

Personalized learning experience

You will receive a personalized learning experience online. Faculty regularly engages in value-added comments and feedback providing the same level of instruction as if you were in person.

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How Avila makes a B.A. in Management online program affordable

The B.A. in Management online program tuition is the same affordable, pay-as-you-go rate for all U.S. residents. Fees are included in the total tuition, and financial aid may be available.

Plus, a Prior Learning Assessment evaluates knowledge gained outside traditional academic environments and may help reduce your tuition and time to completion.

Transfer Your Credits for Lower Tuition

Use our Tuition Estimator to see how affordable your degree could be. Slide the notch to the number of credits you've already earned—which may qualify for transfer credit—to get an estimate of what your degree might cost.

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Transcripts sent from other colleges and universities will be evaluated, and accepted credits will be added to the student’s Avila record. The Tuition Estimator is not a guarantee or predictor of the number of credit hours that will be accepted. Amount of transfer credits accepted varies by program. View the desired program’s webpage for information about its transfer credit parameters.

Tuition breakdown:

$290 Per Credit Hour



When to apply, when classes start, when tuition is due

Ideal for working professionals, the B.A. in Management online program features 8-week courses and multiple start dates each year, so you can begin at the time that works best for you. View the full calendar for all upcoming starts and corresponding deadlines.

TermStart DateApp DeadlineDocument DeadlineRegistration DeadlineTuition DeadlineClass End DateTerm Length
Spring 2 20253/3/252/26/252/26/252/28/253/3/255/4/258 weeks
Summer 1 20255/5/255/4/255/4/255/6/255/5/256/21/258 weeks
Summer 2 20256/30/256/29/256/29/257/1/256/30/258/23/258 weeks
Fall 1 20258/25/258/24/258/24/258/26/258/25/2510/18/258 weeks
Fall 2 202510/20/2510/19/2510/19/2510/21/2510/20/2512/13/258 weeks

Now enrolling:

5/4/25 Apply Date
5/5/25 Class Starts

Ready to take the next steps toward earning your degree?



Steps to being admitted to our bachelor’s in management online program

We’ve simplified the admission process to help you get started quickly and easily. You can find all requirements for admission to the Avila online B.A. in Management below.

Admission Requirements:

  • Official transcripts
  • 2.0 GPA in prior coursework
  • Transfer up to 90 credits

In order to be eligible to receive a bachelor’s degree from Avila University, you must have the following:

  • High school diploma
  • Minimum 2.0 GPA on college coursework or 2.0 GPA on high school conferred transcript
  • Official transcripts from all institutions previously attended

Submit all official transcripts to:

Email: [email protected]
Mail: Undergraduate Admissions
Avila University
11901 Wornall Road
Kansas City, MO 64145



The degree plan for our B.A. in Management online program

In order to earn the B.A. in Management online, you will complete 120 credit hours, including 35 credit hours of general education requirements, 60 credit hours of major requirements, and 25 credit hours of electives.

Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course provides an introductory and practical approach to the process of developing, understanding and refining communication skills. In this class, we will focus on several communication areas, including but not limited to: perception of self, language, interpersonal communication, cultural communication, small group dynamics, and public speaking skills. This is a Skills Level course. FA, SP, SU.

Course objectives:

  • Develop and maintain interpersonal, small group and public communication skills for use in a career and social context.
  • Apply verbal and non-verbal components of oral communication to real life situations.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Development of a robust composition process centered on considerations of audience and purpose. Introduction to argument, including collegiate research practices and integration of reputable sources. Intense practice in close reading for understanding and analysis. Includes refinement of writing mechanics necessary for academic discourse in Standard American English. This is a skills level course. Prerequisite: EN 095 with a grade of "C" or better or appropriate placement exam scores. FA, SP

Course objectives:

  • Use the computer to generate multiple drafts and demonstrate writing as a process.
  • Strengthen skills in the construction and logical development of a clear and concise thesis.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
A survey of major artists, artwork, styles, and techniques, from the Renaissance through the 20th Century with the primary focus on the major Western art movements (including architecture) and the relationship between the social function of art and its form, content, and context. 2015 CORE: Creativity & Culture, Acquire. 2020 CORE: Liberal Arts, Arts. SP.

Course objectives:

  • Identify and explain the significance of major works of art.
  • Recognize & describe the aesthetic elements which mark selected periods & artists.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
A survey of cell theory (cellular structure and function) and molecular genetics that illustrates the nature and limits of science and two of the fundamental concepts of the life sciences. Elements of evolutionary theory will be discussed throughout the course and examples from all kingdoms of life will be used. Laboratory will introduce students to methods of microscopy, modeling, and experimental design and analysis. This course will identify key theories of science, including contributions and limitations of scientific discovery. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory per week. 2015 CORE: Explorations of Nature, Acquire. 2020 CORE: Liberal Arts, Natural Science. FA, SP.

Course objectives:

  • Identify the basic molecules of life and to predict their properties and reactions.
  • Connect the genetics of all biological life and understand the basic flow of genetic information.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Through the lens of literature, this course explores the flows of people and their culture and labor across borders. Each text is examined in terms of its artistic and political dimensions with a focus on identity, gender politics, and historical revision. Rather than discrete nations and single cultures, the course concentrates on movement, hybridity, and multiplicity. In addition to physical movement, the course examines other possessions that move across the borders including information, language, traditions, and beliefs, examining ways in which people remember, reimagine, and reshape their sense of self and community. Prerequisite: EN 111 or EN 112. 2015 CORE: Social Justice & Civic Life, Acquire, Global Studies. 2020 CORE: Liberal Arts, Literature/Rhetoric. FA, SP.

Course objectives:

  • Appreciate the aesthetic qualities of literary texts and develop an awareness of influential critical and interpretive methods
  • Analyze and interpret works from different historical and cultural traditions using appropriate critical terms of literary analysis and responding to questions about genre, style, and content or theme
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course is a survey of major political, social, cultural, and economic changes in United States history from 1865 to the present, with emphasis on the development of industrial society, consumerism, the expanding role of the United States in world affairs, as well as civil rights and other social movements. Meets the lower-division requirement for American History in the history major. 2015 CORE: Social Justice & Civic Life, Acquire. 2020 CORE: Liberal Arts, History.

Course objectives:

  • Knowledge: Identify and characterize the major questions of United States and World history in terms of continuity and change using relevant political, economic, social, religious, and cultural institutions, traditions, and beliefs.
  • Theory: Demonstrate an understanding of the effects of race, gender, class, ethnicity, or religion on the experiences of ordinary and extraordinary people of the past using current historical theory and methodology.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
The purpose of this course is to provide a comprehensive overview of the skills required to navigate the mathematical demands of modern life and prepare students for a deeper understanding of information presented in mathematical terms. Emphasis is placed on improving students’ ability to draw conclusions, make decisions, and communicate effectively in mathematical situations that depend upon multiple factors. 2020 Core: Liberal Arts, Mathematics. SP, SU.

Course objectives:

  • Perform operation with real numbers. Evaluate algebraic expressions.
  • Solve and apply linear equations and inequalities.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course is a critical examination of a range of major ethical theories, where students will systematically reason through and discuss major ethical notions as well as notions of ethical agency. Questions that might be covered include but are not limited to: How do we as members of communities live? How ought we live? What are the differences between good and bad choices? Why should I act other than what is in my self-interest? Do I have duties to myself and others? If so, what are those duties? What kinds of actions are morally significant or irrelevant to moral thinking? 2015 CORE: Social Justice & Civic Life, Transform. 2020 CORE: Liberal Arts, Philosophy. FA, SP.

Course objectives:

  • Obtain knowledge of basic ethical theories and how they apply to all areas of live: personal, professional and societal.
  • Recognize the differences between moral absolutism, relativism and pluralism.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course provides an introduction to the discipline of sociology. The course emphasizes how a scientific approach can be used to understand the social world, with a particular focus on inequality, social institutions, and social change. 2015 CORE: Social Justice & Civic Life, Acquire. 2020 CORE: Liberal Arts, Social Sciences. FA, SP.

Course objectives:

  • Develop an understanding of the sociological perspective
  • Compare and contrast the major concepts, ideas and methods of sociology
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course offers both a historical and critical look at human religious experience through a study of the world’s many religious traditions. Topics include: the varieties of religious belief and the historical/political experiences that inspired them, including ideas of the holy and sacred, scriptures, myths, symbols, rituals, and morality. 2015 CORE: Belief & Reason, Acquire, Global Studies. 2020 CORE: Liberal Arts, Religious Studies, Global Studies. FA, SP.

Course objectives:

  • Learn the primary features of the major world religious systems, with special focus on scriptures, social and cultural formations, history, myths and rituals, ethics, and the category “sacred”
  • Learn to interrogate the methodologies used in discussing the categories of “world religions” and “religious experience,” with particular focus on the role that dominant narratives and elite discourses play in the formation of these systems
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course provides an interdisciplinary (religious studies, communication, philosophy, sociology, history, and economics) approach to achieving peace on a personal, local, national, and international level. The focus is on developing practical strategies for creating peace and living peacefully in a global society. 2015 CORE: Social Justice & Civic Life, Contribute, Interdisciplinary Studies, Global Studies.

Course objectives:

  • Examine the development of peace research and peace studies over the last 50 years.
  • Understand the breadth and scope of the interdisciplinary field of peace studies.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction to the terminology, concepts, and procedures of accounting. Prerequisite: MA 117 or higher. FA.

Course objectives:

  • Describe the nature of accounting & its use in the business world.
  • Explain the concepts & principles that underlie accounting & provide the basics for external reporting.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Accounting for corporations and manufacturing firms; also involves analyzing financial statements. Prerequisite: AC 201. SP.

Course objectives:

  • Apply basic accounting principles in recording and reporting a firm’s activities and their application to business decision-making
  • Prepare financial statements and analyze relationships on the statements in evaluating business performance
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
The study of legal issues inherent to business operations such as contracts, torts, and crimes; the web of legal, social, political, and economic systems that business operates in locally, nationally, and internationally; and the frameworks available to assist business in legal problem-solving and ethical decision-making. 2015 CORE: Belief & Reason, Acquire. FA, SP.

Course objectives:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of local and global business organizations through the study of major disciplines within the fields of business.
  • Diagram the state and federal legal systems and explain how civil and criminal cases proceed through the systems.
  • Explain how law is an expression of social, political and economic forces.
  • Evaluate the law as an expression of ethical, social, political and economic forces.
  • Recognize legal issues in personal and professional situations and use legal concepts and terminology to explain them.
  • Identify and research appropriate legal resources to assist in analyzing situations with legal implications in personal and professional life.
  • Critically analyze business and personal situations from a legal perspective.
  • Identify influential frameworks for problem solving and ethical decision making.
  • Make personal and professional decisions that appropriately use legal knowledge.
  • Explain the importance of contracts in the American Society.
  • Recognize and discuss the legal issues in contract formation, performance, breach of contract and remedies.
  • Recognize and discuss the various crimes and torts that may arise in business situations.
  • Discuss the legal implications of organizing a business as a sole proprietorship, a partnership or a corporation.
  • Explain the function, structure and interrelationship of the legal, political, social and economic systems in the United States.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course is designed to synthesize the student’s learning in the Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration major through writing a business plan. Course specifics include creating a road map or written description with developing an idea, securing funding, creating a brand, and marketing, promoting and evaluating a set of business goals essential for success. This course meets the capstone requirement in the Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration major. Prerequisite: BU 310, BU 321, BU 322, and BU 330. SP.

Course objectives:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of local and global business organizations through the study of major disciplines within the fields of business.
  • Apply methods of quantitative data analysis to support organizational decision-making processes.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This writing intensive course is designed to practice writing business plans, proposals, and the various types of presentations encountered in the world of commerce. We focus on three main communication areas: developing and organizing corporate documents; using language that communicates clearly, concisely, and correctly; and achieving positive results. Prerequisite: EN 112. 2015 CORE: Creativity & Culture, Transform. FA.

Course objectives:

  • Clarify and articulate a personal value system as a framework for ethical decision-making and behavior.
  • Participate in group interaction to achieve an identified goal.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course prepares students to navigate the information technology that defines and permeates our society. Students will acquire a working vocabulary about information technology and an understanding of its fundamental concepts in the context of social justice and civic life, equipping them to make effective, informed information technology decisions for both personal and professional use as they participate in our society. Students will also develop intermediate- and high-level skills in information technology tools commonly used in our society: e.g. word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software packages. 2015 CORE: Social Justice & Civic Life, Transform. FA, SP.

Course objectives:

  • Operate a computer using productivity applications to accomplish tasks
  • Show knowledge of social and ethical issues relating to computer use
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
An introductory survey of economic principles relating to individual and firm choice within a market based economy. Topics include specialization, an overview of economic systems, a focus on supply and demand, an introduction to price determination and resource allocation, international trade, market failure and government corrective policies, firm market structure, cost and production, and labor markets. Prerequisite: MA 117 or higher. 2015 CORE: Exploration of Nature, Acquire. 2020 Core: Liberal Arts, Social Sciences. FA, SP.

Course objectives:

  • Explain the basic functioning of the functions of supply and demand as well as draw supply and demand curves and manipulate these curves when performing economic analysis.
  • Identify and apply the determinants of supply and determinants of demand.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
An introductory survey of economic principles relating to the economy as a whole. Topics include national income determination, inflation, unemployment, fiscal and monetary policy, the banking system, international trade, and foreign exchange rate markets. The role of government in a market economy and interconnectedness of policies around the globe are considered. Prerequisites: MA 115 or higher and either EC 201 or EC 202. 2015 CORE: Social Justice & Civic Life. Acquire.

Course objectives:

  • Explain how the economy operates and will be able to identify the determinants of aggregate levels of economic activity.
  • Identify the tools used by the government and by the Federal Reserve to influence the economy. Student will also know how changes in these policy tools affect individual economic behavior.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction to basic statistical techniques for students in business and economics. Prerequisite: MA 117 or higher. FA, SP.

Course objectives:

  • Organize data into appropriate graphical and tabular representations.
  • Calculate and interpret measures of central tendency and dispersion.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Expansion of writing skills with training in academic research, proper citation, and reasoned argument. Emphasis on persuasive composition, including critical analysis of arguments and rhetorically attentive arguments from evidence. Refinement of a mature writing process centered in revision practices. Includes close reading for understanding, analysis, evaluation, and response. May not be taken concurrently with EN111. This is a skills level course. Prerequisite: EN 111 with a grade of “C” or better or appropriate placement exam scores. 2015 CORE: Belief & Reason, Acquire. FA, SP.

Course objectives:

  • Write a clear, well developed, effectively organized, and convincingly reasoned paper.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the values of many diverse Americans and of the writing strategies successful authors use to communicate ideas clearly through reading and responding.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Study of financing organizations with an emphasis on corporations. Prerequisites: AC 202, EC 202, EC 240 and MA 117 or higher. 2015 CORE: Social Justice & Civic Life, Transform. FA, SP, SU.

Course objectives:

  • Understand the principles of finance and basic legal forms of the business organization.
  • Describe financial markets and discuss interest rate theory.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction to the principles and practices of marketing goods and services. Strategy and planning are emphasized as well as a thorough treatment of product, pricing, physical distribution, and promotional issues. The marketing concept is given extensive treatment. Prerequisites: EN 111 and CO 110. FA, SP.

Course objectives:

  • The roles of marketing in society, industry, and the individualized firm
  • Potential marketing opportunities
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
An introduction to the theories, methods, and perspectives that psychologists use to describe and explain behavior and mental processes. 2015 CORE: Explorations of Nature, Acquire. 2020 CORE: Liberal Arts, Social Sciences. FA, SP.

Course objectives:

1: Knowledge Base in Psychology

1.1a: Use basic psychological terminology, concepts, and theories in psychology to explain behavior and mental processes.

1.1b: Explain why psychology is a science with the primary objectives of describing, understanding, predicting, and controlling behavior and mental processes.

1.2a: Identify key characteristics of major content domains in psychology (e.g., cognition and learning, developmental, biological, and sociocultural).

2: Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking

2.1b: Use psychology concepts to explain personal experiences and recognize the potential for flaws in behavioral explanations based on simplistic, personal theories.

2.1a: Describe the value and limitations of using theories to explain behavioral phenomena.

2.1b: Describe common fallacies in thinking (e.g. confirmation bias, post hoc explanations, implying causation from correlation) that impair accurate conclusions and predictions.

2.2b: Describe what kinds of additional information beyond personal experience are acceptable in developing behavioral explanations (i.e., popular press reports vs. scientific findings).

3: Ethical and Social Responsibility in a Diverse World

3.1a Describe key regulations in the APA Ethics Code for protection of human or nonhuman research participants.

5: Professional Development

5.1d Describe how psychology’s content applies to business, health care, educational, and other workplace settings.

Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Principles of management applicable to any organization including functions, processes, and behavior concepts. FA, SP.

Course objectives:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of management theory necessary to perform successfully in a management position.
  • Apply basic management knowledge and techniques to the management functions of decision- making, planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling, in order to enhance achievement of organizational goals and objectives.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
The study of the structure, individual and group behavior, and development of organizations. Prerequisites: EN 111 and CO 110.

Course objectives:

  • Understand how individual, group, and organizational processes and structure influence behavior in organizations.
  • Select and apply appropriate constructs to analyze specific organizational situations.
  • Identify and analyze critical factors that influence organizational change.
  • Analyze one’s own behavior and its impact on organizational effectiveness.
  • Analyze innovative solutions for problems using critical thinking and creative reasoning.
  • Determine how systems theory relates to the effectiveness of organizations.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Study of human resource management as an integral function of an organization. Areas emphasized are employee influence and human resource flow. Prerequisite: BU 321 or BU 322. FA.

Course objectives:

  • Recognize and understand the competitive challenges facing an organization and will apply their knowledge of HRM practices to a company case study.
  • Examine their own values and belief systems in order to improve their understanding and application of fundamental Human Resources concepts in the workplace.
  • Relate a personal value system to the ethical dimension of leading people while integrating HRM practices.
  • Demonstrate openness to differing perspectives and sensitivity to socio-cultural diversity.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the broad reach of talent management in a global economy.
  • Identify the three major competitive challenges facing organizations today, and will demonstrate their capability to apply their understanding of the impact of those challenges toward the success of an organization.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course examines various issues related to managing international business effectively. The purpose is to develop skills in identifying critical issues facing, analyzing key factors related to and developing solutions for business that either compete or will compete in global business environments. Prerequisite: MG 321 or MG 322. FA, even years.

Course objectives:

  • Know the theories, concepts, and tools useful for managing in the international context.
  • Develop a “global” orientation in their approach to business issues, while paying close attention to the importance of local responsiveness.
  • Appreciate the complexity and challenges facing modern organizations in a globalizing world economy.
  • Understand the social, cultural, political, legal, ethical, economic and technological contexts in which businesses operate when dealing with foreign markets and/or trade.
  • Appreciate the importance of adapting organizations to foreign environments.
  • Emphasize and strengthen students’ interpersonal and group work skills, particularly in the international context.
  • Enhance critical thinking by applying theories and concepts to various exercises and projects dealing with international settings.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This interactive course increases your understanding of a variety of models of individual, cultural, and social group identities, focusing on several contemporary frameworks for understanding differences. Special emphasis is placed on providing the skills and competencies necessary for working with multicultural, inclusive teams. Prerequisite: PY 101. 2015 CORE: Creativity & Culture, Contribute, Global Studies, Community Engagement. FA, SP, SU.

Course objectives:

  • Define and describe terms and concepts associated with, and identify actual examples of, diversity in the context of various environments.
  • Differentiate between Cultural Awareness, Cultural Appreciation, and Cultural Appropriation.
  • Describe the roots and current state of the feminist movement and how it relates to today’s diversity oriented workplaces.
  • Analyze the data and claims surrounding the gender wage gap.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course covers topics dealing with effective recruitment and selection of employees by organizations. Topics include strategies to attract applicants, the use of specialist organizations, and the use of appropriate mechanisms to select the right candidate. Other related topics include testing techniques, such as personality tests, performance tests, assessment centers, simulations, and interviews. Prerequisite: MG 321 or MG 322. SP.

Course objectives:

  • Students should be able to understand and explain the essential principles of recruitment and selection and how to properly manage these processes to help organizations gain competitive advantage from these activities in an increasingly competitive world.
  • Students should be able to apply knowledge of the economic, legal, and interpersonal environment in the creation and management of an organization.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course focuses on various topics dealing with compensation and reward systems. We examine the context of compensation practice, the criteria used to compensate employees, compensation system design issues, employee benefits, and contemporary challenges that compensation professionals will face well into the 21st Century. You will learn core compensation systems, concepts and tools through assigned text readings, presentations and discussion, class activities, case studies and/or tests of knowledge.

Course objectives:

  • Create or analyze an organization’s compensation system for improvement.
  • Understand factors external to the organization affecting compensation policy.
  • Demonstrate the ability to use appropriate resources to ensure compensation systems are legally compliant.
  • Establish and maintain a wage and salary structure and system.
  • Establish and/or evaluate criteria for performance review and pay progression.
  • Understand and evaluate the effectiveness of benefits and how they affect recruitment and retention.
  • Understand the effect of compensation on organizational policies and decisions.

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